Waldemar Seel

© Waldemar Seel
I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Nutrition and Microbiota at the Institute of Nutrition and Food Sciences. I have a PhD in microbiology.
My main focus is on establishing and performing microbiome analyses using various sequencing methods. Through this, the best possible analyses of the conducted nutritional studies are ensured. Furthermore, I am engaged in the research of a sustainable use of the microbiome.
Email: wseel@uni-bonn.de
Phone: +49 228/73-2021
Mobile: +49 1578/1634871
Scientific Vita
since 2020
- Postdoctoral fellow in the department of "Nutrition and Microbiota" at the institute of "Nutrition and Food Sciences". With a focus on NGS, microbiome analyses, and microbiome-based predictions
2015-2019 - PhD (Dr. rer. nat) student at the department of "Food Microbiology and hygiene" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bonn
2012-2014 - M. Sc. Microbiology, University of Bonn
2011-2014 - B. Sc. Biology, University of Bonn